Flash Empowers

A Halloween Treat – Climate Smash

To mark last night’s Halloween celebration, aim your eyes at a re-working of the classic Bobby “Boris” Pickett song ‘Monster Mash.’ This new Flash-animated version, ‘Climate Smash,’ is a political salvo tossed at the Bush regime, aiming to combat global warming. The short was animated by Austin-based Horseback Salad Entertainment, and the new lyrics were voice by none other than Mr. Pickett himself.

According to a press release, the short has already been viewed by over 100,000 people, resulting in nearly 25,000 letters penned to the Washington brass about the threat of global warming. So put down the candy and pick up your mouse and get clickin’!

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7 Responses to “A Halloween Treat – Climate Smash”

  1. wc777 Says:

    Dude, what’s up with all the one-sided political action?

  2. Aaron Simpson Says:

    Like anyone else, I have my personal bias (and I ain’t afraid to voice it), but this stream of right-wing bashing is pure coincidence. The left just seems to have a better handle on the ol’ Flash right now. With the passage of a few cash-heavy software appropriations bills, the right should quickly catch up.

    But if you disagree with the stance put forth in these left-leaning animations – use this forum to state your counterpoints. Your thoughts are welcomed and encouraged!


  3. Gene Fowler Says:

    I know it’s a fad right now regarding political cartoons and flash but I think the bigger picture that springs to mind for someone outside of all that horseshit (a non citizen of USA) is the fact that the US hasn’t and refused to sign the Kyoto Agreement.

    This is the real issue I think.


  4. wc777 Says:

    Well, you’re definitely right (no pun intended) about the lack of Flash in the conservative movement. Maybe I should fix that…:)

    However, the Kyoto thing? Come on…that was totally an excuse for the “international community” to get their hands on our domestic “environmental” policies, which is the code word for business restrictions. I’ve watched my fair share of Captain Planet, so I know what bad businesses can do, but I also know that I don’t want the world running our domestic policy.

    Also, get on any decently maintained weather site and look at weather patterns for the past 75-100 years, and you’re going to see these heating and cooling trends work in cycles. Next year they’ll be holding the “Sign Kyoto Now” festival in Orlando with 3 feet of snow…

  5. Zeke Says:

    Michel Gagné’s Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppet is up for downloads! Check it out ^_^

  6. Aaron Simpson Says:

    I’ve got a post all written up about it, but his site is down. I’ll wait until he’s back online before I send another wave of traffic his way.

    Thanks for the info!

  7. Anonymous Says:


    One sided? Are you a special person wc777? You sound like you are…

    Do us a favor and don’t vote this year. Ignorance like yours could destroy the world. I don’t think that you would feel very good afterwards. Somebody needs to save you from yourself.

    If low income republicans were chickens…they would vote for Colonel Sanders…

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