Flash Empowers

Going for the Green at Sundance

As part of the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, The Sundance Channel is hosting an online animation competition called Greenimation, which challenged artists to use environmental issues in their work. The winner of the competition is awarded a series, so vote early and often (you can vote once a day).

Animax Entertainment submitted a Flash-animated short titled Meet the Banes, who aren’t exactly the poster-family for environmental conciousness. If you listen closely, you’ll hear the vocal stylings of Dave Thomas, and actor your might recall from Strange Brew, SCTV and Arrested Development. Thomas is also a founder of Animax Entertainment.

Other Flash-animed work in competition is Joe Corrao’s entry titled Going Green, or Else and Bob Fox’s buddy short titled Breakfast (I think it’s in Flash).

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One Response to “Going for the Green at Sundance”

  1. Sundance Frees Five Yung Yetis | Cold Hard Flash: Flash Animation News, Videos and Links Says:

    [...] in 2007, we highlighted the various animated projects that entered in’s ‘Greenimation’ [...]

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